Frank Schätzing's amazing novel is a publishing phenomenon with translation rights sold around the world, drawing rave reviews for both pulsating suspense and great scientific knowledge. The world beg ...
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I used to be a sawyer, you know? Sawmill man. This weather tonight makes me think of the last place that I ever worked. The terrible cold and the awful feeling you'd get at night. Like you were being ...
Listen on Spotify"The Second Interment" is a short story by the American writer, Clark Ashton Smith. The story first appeared in the January 1933 edition of Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, and concerns the terrib...
Listen on Spotify"The Phoenix on the Sword" is a Conan the Cimmerian novelette by Robert E. Howard, first published in the December 1932 edition of Weird Tales. "A soul-searing story of a fearsome monster spawned in d...
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