Invisible China

Business & Economics
Author: Scott Rozelle,Natalie Hell
ISBN: 9780226740515
Published Date: 2020-09-29
Page Count: 242


A study of how China’s changing economy may leave its rural communities in the dust and launch a political and economic disaster. As the glittering skyline in Shanghai seemingly attests, China has qui ...

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Podcast Episodes Related to "Invisible China"

  • Scott Rozelle and Natalie Hell, "Invisible China: How the Urban-Rural Divide Threatens China’s Rise" (U Chicago Press, 2020)

    As the glittering skyline in Shanghai seemingly attests, China has quickly transformed itself from a place of stark poverty into a modern, urban, technologically savvy economic powerhouse. But as Scot...

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  • Scott Rozelle and Natalie Hell, "Invisible China: How the Urban-Rural Divide Threatens China’s Rise" (U Chicago Press, 2020)

    As the glittering skyline in Shanghai seemingly attests, China has quickly transformed itself from a place of stark poverty into a modern, urban, technologically savvy economic powerhouse. But as Scot...

    Listen on Spotify

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